$225.00 USD

Purchase a 45-Minute Private With Dave

If you are an existing student, please login first.

This is for a 45-minute session with Dave.

You can choose from a Feldenkrais lesson, dressage lesson or phone consultation. 

Discuss your own issues, biomechanics questions and conundrums and receive personal advice!

These sessions can be personally tailored Feldenkrais (ATM) Awareness Through Movement® lessons to achieve your riding goals.

For live dressage riding consults and lessons, please either meet with Dave privately at least three times (without your horse) OR complete the full 60 Day Program.

ATM lessons are conducted on zoom.

For riding: Pixem, Pixio or Zoom.  Please test functionality and connectivity before scheduling, so that you can have your full lesson.

  • [ Training Goals, discussing current biomechanics issues and conundrums ]
  • [ Stiffness and Pain ]
  • [ Personal lesson and homework ]

Lessons are based on EST (Eastern Time Zone. Please ensure connectivity before scheduling.

In order to reschedule, lessons must be rescheduled a full 48-hours in advance.