$150.00 USD or more


Replay of DTM Annual Giveback - 2023

Did you love these classes?

Or perhaps missed a few or even all of them?

Now you can do all 5 classes and own them to repeat, as many times as you wish. 

What you'll get:

  • Expert advice from 5 world class celebrity guests: Felicitas von Neumann-Cosel, Charlotte Jorst, Christoph Hess, JJ Tate and Cindy Ishoy. WOW!!! 
  • DTM classes to elevate your riding position, ability to feel and ease pain, stiffness and even mental tension and worry. YOU will feel and ride so much better! 
  •  The feedback after each single class was so positive, now you get and own access to all 5 classes . Here is a Eurodressage recap from lesson II

These classes are valued at $75.00 each, so to make this affordable for everyone, you may chose to express your gratitude and appreciation for these classes by paying anything above $150 (the cost of two classes). Remember that these classes are yours to keep, and by purchasing you are SUPPORTING this work in general, and other free education offered by Dave. This work is intended to help riders of all ages, all levels, varying fitness levels and can be adapted to all riders that suffer from most types of physical pain and mental tension.  The goals are simple, to help riders connect even more with their horses, ride even better for our horses, for ourselves and to enjoy the rewards of a prolonged, pain free riding career! 

TO PURCHASE: Log-in or create your DTM account. You can reset your password. The payment can be paid using a credit card, through PayPal.