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RECORDING of Improve Your Riding From Home! Fall 2021

You are purchasing a recording or a series of classes taught in Fall, 2021.
We will tackle difficult to overcome position and seat issues in a clear and direct way, giving you results normally only attained with expert longe lessons.


Stretch ourselves to new heights in our riding journey? This however is not a stretching or exercise class... Science tells us that the brain is in charge of basic muscle tone. Comparing a human to a string-puppet, it is not the strings that we wish to alter, but the controller of the strings, the brain.

Therefore, we do carefully designed lessons to show the brain how it could be beneficial to let go of certain tension patterns, permanently. A reset!

 As riders, certain patterns are made while we learn that never leave us, not completely. These patterns hide in plain sight, as the experienced rider develops ways to overcome these not ideal patterns with their will power and muscle tone. But there is another way! Whether it is gripping with the thighs, uneven contact, going "fetal" or even undesirable breathing and anxiety issues, these 6 DTM lessons will strive to help every rider that joins!

Students have reported amazing success stories by even doing just 1 DTM series, and many experience improvement and inspiration by joining all our classes!


Themes and Goals 

In honor of No Stirrup November, one of the goals of the series will be to give you some tools to ride without stirrups.

Other specific goals and themes:

  • How to give the weight of your head, to your chest and then down to your pelvis (with specific details regarding where in our pelvis).
  • Weight shift, weight transfer and lines of force. 
  • Comparison of the legs/feet (in standing), and pelvis (in sitting)  as the foundation of our trunk. 
  • How we organize our trunk changes the self use of our foundation  (legs or pelvis depending on the situation). More clearly, our organization above changes how evenly we take support on our foundation.
  • Softening the chest as a means to first allow the weight of the head and neck to be give to it and then to also improve everything below. 


Central to DTM philosophy is that a good seat moves! Especially the pelvis.

According to a research study published by MDPI and funded by the Danish Horse Levy Foundation, there is a direct relationship between Rider Pelvic Mobility and harmony during riding.   The study also helps riders understand what types of unmounted mobilizing exercises can directly help improve their riding and see clearly that static balancing exercises won't positively influence riding performance (even though they might be helpful for other things or perhaps even considered "healthy").

"It appears that the ability to actively move the pelvis is more relevant to equestrian performance than static balancing skill. Horses ridden by riders with better pelvic mobility and control showed significantly fewer conflict behaviors. On the contrary, high scores for balancing on the gymnastic ball were negatively correlated with the horses’ working heart rates, suggesting a less energetic performance. Pelvic control and mobility may be predictive for equestrian skills and riding harmony."

Other more general goals and themes:

HOW TO SIT UPRIGHT, in self carriage while being supple in the pelvis and legs. 

  • Lightness
  • Gracefulness and Poise 
  • Ease
  • Comfort (Including reducing pain)
  • Suppleness
  • Improved Coordination
  • Improved Timing
  • Youthfulness in Movement
  • Springiness
  • Feeling more grounded 
  • Feeling more confident and capable 
  • Self healing
  • More personal power, and self empowerment 
  • Resilience through adaptability
  • Reaching YOUR personal riding and seat goals!

Reet: I loved all lessons in different way. It helped my body to be much softer and I feel my horse much better.

 Nancy: I would feel so relaxed on my horse right now. My left leg grew 2 inches longer today. This course woke up so many parts of my body.

 Gina: Legs feel longer and softer. In this series, I have gained a more stable position and can communicate with him better.

 Therese: I would love to ride now,I feel like I would truly be one with my horse. Loved my series - was my favorite

Karen: My back feels strong but very flexible. My fav lesson was standing, lifting heel/toe. Had a major impact on my mind and body.

 Katie: The rides I have had in the last few weeks have been really great and these classes have brought me so much awareness of things! The shoulders blade lesson especially helped me.

Delli: It would be fun to just feel my horse now. I always enjoy the hip/pelvis movements but the spirals still amaze me how they work.

Catherine: My riding has felt stagnant for a few years, until I started these classes. Boy was my trainer in a state of shock when she saw me ride after a few classes! And my horse LOVES the new me.

Linda: I feel excited to ride now as I now have feeling in areas that were previously dormant. I feel more balanced. I have noticed how more relaxed in my riding. My trainer has noticed a big change.

 Kate: My lower back feels much more available and I feel longer. Would like to ride now…I also think my horse feels my looseness and is looser and more forward.

Carol: My hips & sacrum feel quite supple. I like the turning of the key idea, it seemed to help. The rib basket lesson REALLY helped my neck issues😀

 Dilara: My absolute favorite class was the pelvic clock with the soles of the feet touching. It was like my body was completely reprogrammed. My hips weren’t crunchy in the morning like they usually are!

 Nancy: The lesson on the swivel seat was most helpful in this class series. It helped my legs hang down better when turned.

 John: I would very much like to use these feelings on the horse. I have found that the feelings carry over without thinking about the specifics.

Deborah: Favorite parts are upper body control without stiffness.

Carol: These 6 classes helped me finally find freedom from chronic hip and back pain. Plus the method has improved my seat like no amount of lunge lessons could have done. So incredibly grateful.

Mary: I feel like this culminated in a cohesiveness in my body. In my lesson Tuesday for the first time I felt my horse wait for me to cue him. It was wonderful. My trainer was so happy.